Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Fourth analysis on the efficiency of the logistics corridors used for the import-export of containerized goods in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto
It was distributed by Contship Italia and Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno
March 10, 2022
The 2022 edition of the report "Corridors and efficiency logistics of the territories" continues to explore as points of origin and destination of trade flows, availability maritime services and logistical infrastructures, determine the choice of specific corridors by the 400 companies Italian manufacturers located in Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna - the three main Italian regions by export, which represent 40% of Italy's gross domestic product and more 50% of the country's total exports.
The report focuses on Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto which are the three main Italian regions in terms of commercial exchange with foreign countries. "In total, in 2020 - explains the analysis of Contship Italia and SRM - these three regions have totaled 430 billion euros of import/export (corresponding to the 53.5% of Italian trade with foreign countries), a figure that is down compared to 2019 (-10.2%). For 2021, based on data from the first semester, the external trade of the three regions could increase by 24.2%, reaching around €507 billion at the end of the year. In the detail, Lombardy covers 29.1% (233 billion in 2020) of the Italian foreign trade, Veneto 12.6% (101 billion) and Emilia Romagna 11.8% (95 billion)».
"The entrepreneurial fabric in the three regions - notes the relationship - is very active and represents a conspicuous part of Italian GDP; exactly 40.4%, broken down as follows: Lombardy 22.2%; Veneto 9.2%; Emilia Romagna 9%. Interchange maritime is an important component (second only to the (road transport) of the external trade of these regions: done 100 the sum of the four modes of transport (excluding therefore the component not specified in the Istat database), the trade by sea represents 26.7% for Lombardy, 30% for Veneto, 36.8% for Emilia Romagna (33.2% the Italian average)».
The latest report notes a reduction in the number of companies that treats high containerized volumes both in export and in import. "The container - recalls the analysis - represents an element important for the transport of Italian goods abroad and vice versa (since our country is mainly made up of companies manufacturing). The Italian entrepreneurial fabric (therefore also of the regions surveyed), but made up of averages and small entities, it is reflected in the intensity of the use of the tool: most companies "exchanges on average no more than one container at week", both in export and import. The companies that handle over 50 containers a year in export are only 9% of the total (down from the 18% observed per year last, and below the average of the analysis period, equal to 12%). The percentage of companies exceeding 50 is also falling containers per year in import, this year only equal to 4%». The report states, however, that 'the substantial difference in the results, especially in import is partly due to the fact that the sample each year is chosen randomly (hence the sample it is not always made of the same panel of companies), although within a given sectoral distribution. On the other hand many companies are likely to be located on the border between the limit of 50 containers and that of more than 50, so the possibility to change range from year to year can be tall. In any case, in the analysis of the results of the current this edition should be taken into account of the greater presence of more small in terms of transport scale'.
The analysis also reveals a recovery in intermodal transport, which, however, still has ample room for improvement: 'the 2021 data - clarifies the report - shows a positive dynamic with more companies opting for use combined road/rail transport (from 10% to 23% and with a average of 17% over the four years of analysis). Emilia Romagna is the region with the best dynamics and with an average that stands to 21%. Lombardy and Veneto follow (respectively 19% and 13% average)'.
As for the ports serving the import-export of Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto, the analysis of Contship Italia and SRM specifies that "the port of Genoa loses some points but confirms its position as the most used port by the manufacturing enterprises in the three sample reasons. Was asked manufacturing companies - explains the analysis - to indicate what are "the two ports mainly used for export and to import". The port of Genoa was cited by 68% of exporters (85% in 2020 and 76% on average in four years of analysis) and by 67% of importers (88% in 2020; 71% the average). Venice, La Spezia and Ravenna are mentioned between the two preferred ports by 23%, 18% and 16% of companies (with the data of Ravenna growing, compared to the years previous). It should be noted that the data of Genoa comes close to the 100% for companies located in Lombardy. It stands at 54% for exports and 67% for imports to Veneto, 52% in exports and 8% in import in the case of Emilian companies. So - summarizes the report - while for Lombard companies it can be said that Genoa and La Spezia are the main ports used by companies, in Veneto the choice falls on Genoa and Venice, with discrete percentages also for La Spezia and Trieste. For Emilia Romagna, Genoa and Ravenna are the ports most used by the undertakings'.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher