Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Published the project financing proposal for the relaunch of the historic port of Cagliari
Deiana: will allow the landing of mega yachts directly in the heart of the city
August 8, 2022
Today the tender on the proposal was published of advanced project financing to the System Authority Port of the Sea of Sardinia from the constituent ATI Marina di Porto Rotondo, guided by the Marina of Porto Rotondo, for the preparation of the final, executive design, the carrying out the works and the management under the maritime state concession of the area of the historic port of Cagliari between the Sanità pier and the Sant'Agostino. The project, which involves a total private investment of more than 34 million euros, is divided into three parts: the complete redevelopment and conversion of the former maritime station into multi-purpose center for recreational boating services and for the tourist use of the area, the revision of the landing system of yachts and private boats along the Calata Sant'Agostino, with destination of the water mirror to the docking of 26 units and pleasure boats from 20 to 80 meters, and the arrangement of the public space between the new landings and the descent of the street Rome.
The call will remain open for the submission of proposals projects until 12.00 on October 19th, day in to which the offers will be opened including that of the ATI which has proposed the feasibility project. The contract will be entrusted to the competitor who will present the offer economically more advantageous without prejudice, so as required by the law, that the promoter will have the right to pre-emption with respect to competing initiatives. The successful tenderer the procedure will take care of carrying out the project, ensuring its future functional and economic management through a concession with a total duration of 70 years (three of which for the realization of the work) and the payment of a annual fee of about 67 thousand euros for the three-year period of work and About 110 thousand for the following ones.
The president of the AdSP, Massimo Deiana, highlighted that the one put forward by the temporary association of enterprises is «a complex, unprecedented project proposal, with substantial investments entirely borne by the private individual, who, a once the process of the public tender procedure has just been completed published - he underlined - will allow us to make the definitive leap in quality in the already started path redevelopment of the historic port of Cagliari. The whole work, once completed, as well as creating new and pleasant spaces dedicated to tourist-recreational use - he explained Deiana - will allow the landing of mega yachts directly in the heart of the city, with excellent services to passengers and to the staff on board, but, above all, will generate new and important economic repercussions for the territory of Cagliari that, once the shipbuilding hub at the port has been completed channel, is a candidate to become the beating heart of the nautical sector in Southern Sardinia».
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher