The Port Employment Agency of Sardinia (ALPS), the companies for the provision of temporary port work established in May 2018 and participated by port companies of Cagliari and the Port System Authority of the Sea of Sardinia, had an extension to the authorization to operate of 36 Months. It has deliberated yesterday the Committee of management of the Sardinian AdSP. The Authority of Harbour System has remembered that the Agency, ex art. Article 17 of Law 84/94 was established after the reabsorption of most of the operators of the former CLP of Cagliari in February 2019 and has operated in the last three years with a staff of 29 full-time equivalent units, providing temporary labor in a crescendo of working days, by virtue of traffic peaks. Activities which, from port undertakings operating in the airport of the Sardinian capital, has extended also on Portovesme and, in the coming months, it could also be of interest the ports of Olbia, Oristano, Porto Torres and Arbatax.
The AdSP has highlighted that that of the harbour work, in base the results of the update of the System Operating Plan 2022 approved yesterday, is a sector that enjoys excellent health: According to the document, more than half (55.6%) of the 26 companies (out of 27 total) that replied to the questionnaire administered by the institution declared that it had hired new employees (last year they were 40%) and that, for a 59.3% (compared to 40% last year), in the next two years is willing to proceed with new hires. Perspective, this - he specified The Port Authority - supported, not so much by the replacement of employees who are retired or are covered by seasonal work, but from new industry dynamics including, for example, improvement business quality and efficiency (33%) and, Important aspect, from a growing demand for services (for the 30% of companies) linked to the increase in traffic volumes goods that, even in the Covid period, has maintained a trend anyway positive. The harbour authority has specified that, in consideration of this scenario, after the green light of the Advisory Commissions Local, also for 2023 the maximum number will remain unchanged of undertakings authorised to carry out operations and services port specialists on their own account and on behalf of third parties (Article 16 and 18 of Law 84/94).