Fedespedi, the National Federation of Shipping Companies Internazionali, has launched the experimentation project of the digitization of the CMR, international consignment note for the road freight transport, thanks to the partnership with Accudire, an innovative Italian startup, which has made available its digital platform based on edge computing and Blockchain and its know-how in the digitization of processes management of international shipments.
The four companies of shipping Scortrans, Barbiero, D.B. Group and Freschi & Schiavoni who have used the Accudire platform to manage shipments with e-CMR. Specifically, they were managed groupage, full truck, intermodal shipments with airlines, involving several foreign countries and in particular Great Britain, France, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland.
Fedespedi recalled that the use of technology Blockchain guarantees transparency, traceability of Shipping and security in information sharing sensitive contained in the CMR and therefore the document presents Information and data relating to the goods and parties involved in the transport and its signature confers proof to the document effective delivery also for tax purposes. 'The Electronic consignment note (e-CMR) - highlighted Manuel Scortegagna, vice president of Fedespedi with responsibility for Transport Earthlings - represents a great opportunity for modernising and improving the quality of supply chains supply, for the benefit of transport undertakings, of shipments and enterprises of the productive industry, making the Supply chain an element of added value that can affect on the competitiveness of the product'.
"Fedespedi - explained Paolo Calamandrei, president of the Digital Innovation Advisory Body of the federation - wants highlight the opportunities and benefits of using it of this tool and on the other hand identify the critical issues that may slow down its spread, taking into account that the NRP has Resources are provided for the simplification of logistics and for the digitization of transport documents, with particular reference to the adoption of the e-CMR by 2024. We hope that the Italian Parliament will ratify, in the least time possible, the protocol to the CMR Convention, for use of the electronic consignment note and we are confident that this may occur before the end of the year.'