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In the third trimester the traffic of the goods in the Italian ports has marked a modest increment of +0.2%
The figure is still +2.9% higher than before the pandemic
December 16, 2022
In the third quarter of this year the Italian ports have handled a traffic of 128.5 million tons of goods, volume representing a modest increase of +0.2% on the same trimester of 2021, a rise of +26.3% on the period July-September 2020, when the effects of the pandemic of Covid-19 had a strong impact on port activities, and an increment of +2.9% on the third trimester of the first 2019 of the beginning of the health crisis.
Based on data released today by the Association of Ports Italians (Assoporti) and relating to the first nine months of 2022, results that in the third quarter of the year alone the recovery more accentuated was recorded by miscellaneous goods. At it segment the Italian port ports of call have enlivened globally 71,3 million tons, with increase of +10.9% on the same period of 2021, +24.2% on the third trimester of 2020 and also with a robust increase of +18.9% on the third trimester of the year pre-pandemic of 2019. In this sector, the recovery has been generated mainly by the strong increase in rolling stock in the third quarter of 2022 totalled 36.9 million tons (respectively +27.6%, +43.1% and +23.5%): Goods containerized and other miscellaneous goods, on the other hand, have filed the period June-September of this year with a decrease compared to the corresponding period of 2021: containerized cargoes are piled to 29,6 million tons, with a bending of the -0,9% on the third trimester last year and with progressions of +6.1% and +6.5% on the same periods of 2020 and 2019; Other miscellaneous goods amounted to 4.8 million tonnes, down by -12.5% on the third trimester of 2021 and with increases of +28.9% and +104.3% on the third quarters of the previous two years.
The trend of containerized trade measured on the Base of the handling of 20-foot containers (TEU) results Similarly: in the third quarter of this year the total was pairs to 2,9 million teu, with a reduction of the -2,3% on the corresponding period of 2021 and increases of +9.7% and +5.5% on third quarters of 2020 and 2019. However, it was Only Transhipment Container Traffic: Containers Only transhipped, in fact, they turned out pairs to 1,1 million teu, the -4.7% less than in the third quarter of last year and +9.9% and +20.4% more than in the same periods of 2020 and 2019. Import and export containerized trade is State pairs to over 1,8 million teu, with progressions of +0.1%, +12.8% and +0.5% on the third quarters of 2021, 2020 and 2019.
Solid bulk traffic also decreased, which is piled to 14,7 million tons (respectively - 1.1%, +24.3% and +7.0%). The volume of liquid bulk handled is equal to 42.6 million tons, grew both compared to the third quarter of 2021 (+2.3%) and compared to the same period of 2020 (+30.8%), while it is -16.9% lower than the third quarter of 2019.
In the third quarter of 2022, the passenger traffic, which was still lower than before the health crisis. In the period June-September this year ferry passengers were almost 9,2 million (+5.3%, +39.6% and -11.6%) and crocieristi almost 4,1 million (+269.0%, +10,756.1% and -15.0%).
As for the ports managed by the various System Authorities Italian ports, in the third quarter of this year the ports administered by the AdSP of Western Liguria have enlivened 16,6 million tons of goods (+2.6%, +21.7% and +0.9%) and those administered by the port authority of eastern Liguria 4,6 million of tons (+13.3%, +14.7% and -0.7%). The Tuscan ports managed from the AdSP of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea they have enlivened 11,0 million of tons of cargos (-8.9%, +2.7% and -10.1%). The ports of Lazio under the jurisdiction of the AdSP of the Central Northern Tyrrhenian Sea they have enlivened almost 4,0 million tons (+8.2%, +32.8% and -0,3%). The traffic in the Campania ports of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Central Sea has been less than 8,2 million tons (- 5.0%, - 0.1% and -3,7%). The port ports of call of the AdSP of the Southern Tyrrhenian Seas and Ionian have enlivened 11,0 million tons (+7.7%, +10.5% and +39,2%). The volume of traffic in the ports of the port authority of the Strait has been of 12,6 million tons (+19.4% on the third quarter 2021; previous data released by Assoporti have inconsistencies). The data of the ports of the AdSP of the Southern Adriatic is 4, million tons (+15.5%, -6.7% and -13.0%). Traffic in port ports of the Central Adriatic was over 2.9 million tons (-14.2%, +8.2% and -9.6%). The port of Ravenna managed from the AdSP of the Adriatic Central Northern has enlivened 6,9 million tons (-3.8%, +22.2% and +12.7%). Traffic in the Northern Adriatic ports amounted to 5.9 million tons (- 10.0%, +3.7% and +24.6%) and in those of the Eastern Adriatic to 14,0 million tons (- 9.5%, - 5.4% and -14.8%). As for the ports of the major islands, traffic enlivened by the ports of call of the AdSP of Western Sicily is attested to 2,8 million tons (+17.0%, +23.8% and +37.7%), that totaled by the ports of Eastern Sicily to 8.5 million of tons (+8.%, +3.2% and -27.5%) and the administered ports from the AdSP of Sardinia they have enlivened 11,1 million tons (+4.8%, +14.1% and -5.9%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher