The regional secretariats of Nidil Cgil, Felsa Cisl and Uiltemp Liguria have denounced that the workers administered of the port of Genoa are in a delicate condition to say the least with wages that, For the month of November, they are around 150 euros and have highlighted that "the drop in work that has characterized the Autumn months cannot be managed without safeguards and must not impose further sacrifices on those who have been living for months in a state of work and social anxiety".
"It is unthinkable - the organizations observed trade unions - which in the port of Genoa, always cited also by the President Signorini for his volumes, prestige and the importance it has at international level can be achieve economic conditions of this nature. Despite the many reassurances at several levels, from the Authority of Port system to the Municipality of Genoa - they recriminated Nidil Cgil, Felsa Cisl and Uiltemp Liguria - remain and indeed worsen the economic conditions of the administered of the port of Genoa: it is It is clear that every means available will have to be used of the union to ensure that starvation paychecks remain a Bad stumbling rather than a sad Christmas reality. The Stabilization envisaged in the agreements in fact, and related addendums - the unions recalled - provides for a double track: one with the administration agency, the other in the subsidiaries of the Municipality. In order to have this opportunity, workers have decided to return "on call" losing the protections of the Previous contract. Unfortunately, in the subsidiaries of the Municipality, for example Today, only a couple of workers'.