"It is not acceptable to imagine for 2023 a horizontal indexation of concessionary fees at +25.5%, after a + 7.95% in 2022». This was underlined by Assiterminal, The Association of Italian Port Terminalists, taking stock on the state of health of the sector and highlighting that after "two years of pandemic, energy crisis and Ukrainian conflict", «the evolution of the economic and financial situation of the country and the international scenarios that impact on production and consumption continue to put a strain on organizational planning and financial of our companies».
"It is true - the association has specified in a note - that you read encouraging aggregate data on traffic volumes of 2022, on which Assiterminal has already had the opportunity to disagree in terms of metrics and real effects on margins Characteristic of the companies in the sector: however we returned little more than in 2019 and certainly not for all our sectors (cruises still at -35%, with more transits and fewer home ports)». In light of this, according to the association it is therefore not an increase in the value of the concession fees can be proposed as the hypothesized one. "Not only - explained the representation of terminal operators - we have already represented in every There is a need to revise the criteria for determining fees (also in light of the EU ruling on the nature of the fees concessionaires and even more so in view of the enactment of the regulation of concessions), but today we strongly ask the government and Parliament that any provision that prevents the prefiguration of this scenario that would obviously call into question all the concessions port state property and their respective economic and financial plans, at least from the point of view of their rebalancing."
"We know - continues the note of Assiterminal - that the politics, MIT and Vice Minister Rixi, whom we thank, are working on this with our support and that of others Port associations, united by the same objective: But our companies need answers. We hope for a close confrontation, started with the Table of the Sea, starting from Theme of the integration of private individuals in energy communities dockers, with the aim of expanding the audience of actors, allow a reduction in implementation times while also ensuring a recovery on the rents of the investments made; In addition, in PNRR optics (since we are talking about changes also at European level) The allocation of funds needs to be reviewed with the involvement of private obviously leaving the management and direction of the investments at central level and to the AdSP: by way of example - clarified the association - if the provisions on the subject of electrification of the docks was not sufficient for light also of the recent increases in all costs, in the presence of other investments considered less important and urgent, could be Focus available resources on the transition theme energy, also encouraging the private sector, in the face of investments to invest itself in the same process, at least to make itself energetically autonomous».
Meanwhile, Assiterminal has announced that the association have Midolini Spa Group, Alkion of Vado Ligure and Amoruso Group of Salerno raising to 83 the number of associated port operators.