Yesterday the Ministry of Agriculture, Sovereignty Food and Forestry, Department of Policy competitive, agri-food quality, fisheries and Horse Racing - Directorate-General for Quality Promotion agri-food and horse racing, published the decree of approval of the final ranking for access to the facilities to support the investments of the Authorities of Port system in agri-food logistics, as part of the Measure M2C1, Investment 2.1 "Logistics development for agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, floriculture and nursery" of the National Recovery Plan and Resilience.
The projects will be financed in the order set by the ranking until financial resources are exhausted available, amounting to EUR 150 million, against the reserve 40% to be allocated to projects located in the regions of Noon.
The ranking sees the System Authority in first place Port of the Central Adriatic Sea that requested a concession of 9.25 million euros, equal to the entire planned investment. Follows the AdSP of the Adriatic Sea Northern, which requested 7.00 million euros, equal to 36.8% of the total investment. Following the AdSp of the Adriatic Sea Center Northern with a request of 10.00 million (50.4% of the investment), the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic Sea with 9,00 million (52.9%), the AdSP of the Western Ligurian Sea with 9,56 million (100%), the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern with 10,00 million (68.6%), the AdSP of the Adriatic Sea Northern Central with 10,00 million (51.7%), the AdSP of the Eastern Adriatic Sea with 10,00 million (100%), the AdSP of the Southern Adriatic Sea with 8.05 million (97.0%), the AdSP of the Sea of Sardinia with 7,63 million (100%) and the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central with 10,00 million (100%).