In 2022, the volume of freight traffic enlivened by the Belgian port system of Antwerp-Zeebrugge was found stable, with a sharp decline in containerized cargo, which is was offset by the increase in other types of goods, in particular in bulk. In addition, growth, although slight, of the volumes recorded in the first half of last year year was offset by the decline in the second semester.
In the whole of 2022 the total was 289.6 million tons, with a slight contraction of -0.7% compared to 286.9 million in the previous year. In the container sector alone, which is the main by traffic volume, 145.3 were enlivened million tons, with a reduction of -8,6% on 2021, and such Traffic counted in terms of 20-foot containers is State pairs to 13,5 million teu (- 5.2%). In the goods segment Various were on the rise, however, both rolling stock with 21.5 million tons (+6.5%) both the goods conventional with 12,4 million tons (+1.1%). The movement of cars is was of 3,3 million vehicles (+10.5%). Accentuated the increase of bulk cargoes, with liquid cargoes amounting to 90,6 million tons (+10.0%) and solid ones to 17,2 million tons (+13,8%).
In the fourth quarter of 2022 alone, the total of 72.2 million tons enlivened represents a decrease of -2% about on the same period of the previous year. In addition to a decrease of -8% of containerized goods amounted to about 35.0 million tons, conventional goods also fell with 2,8 million tons (- 18%). Rolling stock totalled 5,4 million tons (+2%), liquid bulk 22,4 million tons (+1%) and solid ones 5,0 million tons (+18%).
The Port Authority of Antwerp-Zeebrugge has highlighted that the overall figure for 2022 for the container sector has suffered from maritime supply chain disruptions containerized, as well as the effects of conflict in Ukraine which resulted in a reduction of -59% of traffic with Russia. With the attenuation in the last period of the year of the Problems of containerized maritime traffic, moreover, High energy prices and economic uncertainties have caused a weakening of the demand for containerized trade. Conversely, the war in Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia and the energy crisis - it has specified the harbour authority - they have significantly changed the distribution of energy flows in Europe, which has led to a strong growth in traffic in Bulk.
In 2022 the cruise traffic in Zeebrugge was of 144 ships for 547 thousand passengers compared to 23 ships and 76 thousand passengers in the previous year when this activity was particularly affected by the limitations imposed by the pandemic of Covid-19.