The Association of Italian Ports (Assoporti) has signed a memorandum of understanding with HN Social Care to promote accessibility of fragile people in port areas. The agreement stems from the will manifested by the Port System Authorities associates to promote initiatives aimed at promoting full and equal enjoyment of all rights by persons with disability within port areas. At it context, Assoporti has set up a dedicated working group called "tangible and intangible barriers" for monitor the state of the art and report on any critical issues Found.
In the document is made available to the AdSP a portal dedicated where every Italian port can insert routes, areas, parking and any other facilities available for the reception of people with disabilities. The site "Ports without barriers" is dedicated to fragile people, as elderly, people with even temporary mobility difficulties and handicapped. The tool made available to the National ports is designed to promote the Social sustainability also for tourism in ports.
"We believe - explained the president of Assoporti, Rodolfo Giampieri - that this further step in favor intangible accessibility, integrating local initiatives already implemented, let it be important. On the topic of disabilities There is a lot to do and as an association we have undertaken the road to try to promote greater inclusion of all. A website that can facilitate and simplify access and use of the facilities is certainly a very positive thing, and I believe that it is also necessary to put in place other actions that go in this direction."