The warning seems perhaps a little too tranchant. According to the president of Federagenti, no less, the Italy of ports and Logistics will be done now or never. The Garibaldian warning "here you make Italy or you die", taken up - lacking the rhetoric of his references - from the prime minister Giorgia Meloni in very different historical conditions, evidently likes also to Alessandro Santi who considers the current moment propitious (or perhaps ominous, if evidently they do not follow the Suggestions from the President of the Federation of Shipping Agents Italians) for a turning point. This - specified Santi specifying the circumstances which require a change of Route - in view of the phenomena of profound transformation In progress: "in particular with a Chinese economy that will record, according to some leading analysts, a rebound by 10% in the comparison between the first quarter of 2023 and 2024, capturing under the claws of the Dragon two-thirds of world GDP, and with the American protectionist and geostrategic choices", elements which - observed Santi - "are destined to impact with unpredictable violence on the European and Italian economy and, in particular, on logistics chains».
"At a time like this - explained Santi - such Phenomena, largely unmanageable, can determine Very high levels of risk but also enormous opportunities. Let's think, for example, of preferential corridors to and from high ports Italian Adriatic in the relationship with Ukraine for raw materials essential (steel and agri-food), for which the government is a valid promoter: we cannot think of manage these potentially large volumes without eliminating packages of bottle found in recent months, both in terms of unavailability of storage areas and docks with adequate draft capacity and operational efficiency'.
"For years - denounced the president of Federagenti - We have allowed ourselves the luxury of making the economy, especially that of the ports and logistics, slave of bureaucracy. Time in disposition has run out: the country in a few months, if not in A few weeks, it must define infrastructure priorities strategic, ensure reliable planning, free from chains bureaucracy maintenance of works (such as dredging of ports), harmonise the procedures of too many authorities able to to determine the success or failure of a port and, consequently, the unreliability of the Country System".
«Even we operators who, like Federagenti, put ourselves once again at your complete disposal to facilitate the change, we have allowed the strategic activity more important (ports and logistics) - is the mea culpa of Santi - was no man's land. Today - is the reprimand of the president by Federagenti - the country must understand that if it gets lost on the edge quay, on cyber security, on undredged seabed, on Procedural streamlining at least as much as our main competitors Europeans, on the works that do not start and when they leave they are already Overcome, the shocks coming from the world economy They will overwhelm. And this at the very moment when we would have chances to be positive protagonists of change».
It would be close with an "either/win either/or".