In 2025 the 2M alliance, the Vessel Sharing alliance, will be dissolved Agreement under which the Swiss Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and Denmark's Maersk Line, respectively first and Second largest company in the world for carrying capacity of fleets of container ships, numerous joint operations leading global scheduled services dedicating both of their ships. An alliance, that between MSC and Maersk, which has been activated in 2015 after the dissolution of the P3 Network alliance that saw the collaboration of the two companies together with the French CMA CMG.
MSC and Maersk announced today that they have jointly taken the decision to dissolve the alliance, with effect from January 2025, natural expiry date of the agreement between the two companies that has a minimum period of ten years, with prior notice of two years for the termination of the agreement.
"MSC and Maersk - said the two administrators delegates from Maersk and MSC, Vincent Clerc and Soren Toft - take note that much has changed since the two companies have signed the ten-year agreement in 2015. Kill off 2M alliance paves the way for both companies to continue to pursue their own individual strategies. We greatly appreciates the partnership and - reassured Clerc and Toft - We look forward to continuing the strong collaboration throughout the remainder of the agreement. We continue to be fully committed to providing 2M alliance services to MSC customers, and Maersk'.