In February 2023, the downward trend of the traffic of goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna, in progress consecutively for six months, the total being equal to 2.01 million tons of cargos, with a decrease of -7.9% on the February last year. Only traffic increased of rolling stock, with 152 thousand tons (+9.1%), and of products oil, attested to 228 thousand tons (+35.3%). Declining other liquid bulk with 180 thousand tons (- 4.2%) and bulk dry with 858 thousand tons (- 6.2%), as well as goods containerized with 178 thousand tons (- 11.0%) and other goods various with 410 thousand tons (- 27.8%).
In the first two months of 2023 the volume of goods passed through the port of call of Ravenna is amounted to 4.19 million tons, with a reduction of -4,0% on the first two months of the previous year. In the liquid bulk sector 451 thousand tons of petroleum products were handled (+31.9%) and 362 thousand tons of other cargos (- 1.9%). Bulk Dry have totaled 1,87 million tons (- 0.4%). In the Various goods sector 347 thousand tons were handled of containerized cargos (- 4.8%), 305 thousand tons of cargos ro-ro (+19.7%) and 855 thousand tons other cargos (- 26.1%).
The Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea Center Northern estimates that in March 2023 the overall traffic will be by just over 2.2 million tonnes, down by -6.6% compared to March 2022. In particular, the negative result the decline in volumes handled in the sectors will weigh metallurgy (-38.9%), oil (-14.5%) and chemicals (-10.6%). In growth, on the other hand, agri-food (both liquid and solid) that should increase by about +4.5%, fertilizers that should growth of +37%, and building materials of which a increase of +19% compared to March 2022. Therefore, in the first 2023 quarter Global Movement Expected to Reach a share of almost 6.4 million tons, down by -4.9% compared to the same period last year.