"When we talk about alternative fuels, we generally talk about alternative fuels. focuses on maritime transport because in fact shipping is the leading sector of the entire economy of the sea and that which can make the most important contribution to the decarbonisation with significant investments in new ships capable of to use alternative fuels. The paradox is that despite the fact that today emissions from ships represent 2% of global and maritime transport is the mode of more sustainable transport in view of the fact that via Sea travels 90% of goods globally, the sector is called to pursue increasingly decarbonization objectives ambitious, set worldwide by the IMO and the European Union with the FitFor55 Package. Objectives often do not coincide in terms of criteria and timing'. Mario took it over Mattioli, president of the Federation of the Sea and Confitarma, speaking today in Rome at the round table "Album di cluster" organized by Assiterminal as part of the event "Ports Italy at the service of the country. Assiterminal a comparison with the national maritime cluster".
"Small detail - highlighted Mattioli remarking The difficult challenge faces shipping - today I am not yet available alternative and competitive green technologies able to reduce emissions to the required levels. Not to mention that, to European level shipping will start paying the carbon tax to from 2025 while other transport sectors responsible for issue over six times more will start paying from the 2028».
'In order to be able to meet the ambitious objectives set from the IMO and the EU ‐ noted the President of the Federation of the Sea - it is essential to allocate large resources in research, ensuring synergy between the world of companies and institutions'.