Yesterday the Management Committee of the System Authority Port of the Western Ligurian Sea has approved the budget 2022 final balance of the institution showing a reduction in the surplus of Administration at EUR 212 million compared with EUR 340 million in the 2021 financial year. The AdSP has highlighted that "it is a matter of a very significant fact on the ability to achieve investments, considering that capital receipts are amounted to EUR 888 million, while resources committed to Capital account amounted to 1,057 million euros. The Current expenditure amounted to EUR 68 million compared with current revenue of €105 million.
For the extraordinary programme of recovery interventions of the port of Genoa, which was made possible by resources allocated by the government following the collapse of Ponte Morandi and which includes among the works the construction of the new breakwater, are projects have been launched for about 985 million euros, a value that added to those of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, leads to 2,163 billions of euros the volume of investments already assumed. The The most significant interventions committed in 2022 are related to the first phase of the new breakwater of Genoa for an amount of 939 million euros, to the "Cold ironing Genova cruises and ferries" for euro 18.3 million, to the "Intervention of infrastructural upgrading of the new Calata Bettolo for intervention replacement agreement" for euro 10.3 million.
With regard to the Ordinary Program, the port authority has Recalled that the commitments entered into concerned the following Main interventions: "Works of arrangement of the slope in frieze to the access road to the port of Vado Ligure for expansion of the intermodal terminal" for 20.7 million euros, "Cold Ironing Port of Savona" for 9.3 million euros; "Restoration works ferry terminal in the port of Vado Ligure" for 7.1 million euros, "Maintenance of seabed" for €2.2 million; "Extraordinary road maintenance port of Savona" for € 750 thousand and "Realization of the new Vado Ligure dam - first phase" for 500 thousand euro.