The National Coordination of USB Ports denounces practices of self-production in the port of Salerno. "As already reported several times in other Italian airports - he explained the trade union organization in a note - also in the port of Salerno the practice of self-handling, especially on the lines of Grimaldi, has now become systematic practice. A modus Intolerable and outlawed operandi, which creates numerous critical issues and for maritime personnel, "forced" to carry out additional tasks, but also and above all for workers dockers who should take care of the whole work cycle, including lashing and de-lashing on board, as well as says the current legislation repeatedly reiterated also recently. To all this - underlined the Coordination National USB ports - adds up a very general situation Worrying about the organization of work within the Culp "Flavio Goia" and not only, which also goes to record also on the use of Intempo port staff, who have been living for years a situation of intolerable precariousness with salaries and shifts bordering on poverty'.
"Unfortunately - continues the note of the union - this This situation is nothing new in the field of port and in particular in companies and cooperatives art. 17 throughout Italy. Accomplices of the increasingly low tax rates by large shipowners and accepted by the Authorities themselves Portuali, the absence of adequate supplements, you get to a redundancy of grueling shifts and workloads for some even to to the detriment of those who would absolutely have the right to have a living wage and an acceptable number of shifts. Self-production does the rest."
«As USB Ports, recently established also in Salerno - announced the union - we have decided to put in place a Dispute on these issues both at local level but also and above all at national level. In the coming days, after opening a channel of dialogue with all interested parties, we will decide together with the workers what mobilizations to put in place to face this situation and arrive at a path of stabilization of precarious personnel in the port of Salerno".