The Management Committee of the Authority of Harbour System of the Sea of Eastern Sicily has unanimously approved the Financial statements for the financial year 2022 of the institution submitting a Economic profit of 23.3 million euro, a cash flow of 338.2 million and a general administrative surplus of 176.3 million million euro, with a profit from current operations in deficit of -48.9 million. The AdSP has specified the latter negative result is the direct consequence of the surge of investments for works amounting to € 217.3 million recorded in 2022 compared to the previous period, it was even higher than the revenue realized during 2022, but covered by the surplus of administration of the previous financial year which, prudentially set aside in previous years, has allowed the institution to be able to activate all the works financed by the PNRR (Mantellata del Porto di Catania and electrification of the docks of the ports of Augusta and Catania) as well as the expansion in variant of the container terminal of the port of Augusta, the extraordinary maintenance works of the Facilities and port facilities and facilities and the new dock services of the port of Augusta and the consolidation works and renovation of the commercial dock of the port of Catania.
The harbour authority has specified that the surplus of cash to Final balance allows you to be able to face with ready liquidity the SALs (Work Progress Reports) of all the works started, while The general surplus of administration allows you to plan already from the adjustment to the 2023 forecast budget (July 2023) further investments in works to make more competitive ports of the system, including the newly added port of Pozzallo.
The AdSP has emphasized that in 2022 the index of timeliness of the institution's payments for each invoice received was just 12 days.