In the first quarter of this year the navalmeccanico group Fincantieri has acquired new orders for a total value of 909 million euros, with an increase of +77% on the correspondent period of 2022, of which 252 million in the Shipbuilding segment (+227%), 533 million in Offshore and special ships (+83%) and 238 million million euros in the Systems, components and services segment (-23%).
In the first three months of 2023, the group's revenues amounted to 1,76 billion euros, up +5%, of which 1,43 billion from Shipbuilding segment (0%) - including 930 million from the Shipbuilding segment cruise ships (+1%) and 484 million from that of military ships (-2%) -, 238 million from the Offshore segment and special ships (+31%) and 265 million from Systems, components and services (+30%). EBITDA turned out pairs to 87 million euros (-26%), with contributions from the three main divisions of the group equal to 78 respectively million (-34%), nine million (+50%) and 10 million (+150%).
"The first quarter of 2023 - he commented the CEO of Fincantieri, Pierroberto Folgiero - yes is confirmed fully in line with forecasts for FY 2023, with an increase in revenues of 4.9% compared to the same Period of last year. In the cruise ship area we have recorded an increase in production volumes by virtue of of the development of the important backlog acquired while in the military The progress of existing programmes in the compliance with the expected deadlines. A very good performance is has been marked in particular by the offshore sector and special vessels, with revenues of 238 million euros, equal to an increase of 31%, which benefits from the growing contribution of the units to the wind sector. This result confirms the validity of the review of Vard's business model, now focused on offshore and renewable energy market'.
"In the first months of 2023 - added Folgiero - we launched a series of priority initiatives to ensure objectives of the 2023-27 Business Plan, including the continuation actions aimed at digitizing and increasing efficiency production of construction sites and optimization of the costs of procurement and overheads, as well as those for putting in safety and enhance the area of activity of the Infrastructure. Operating performance expected for the year will consolidate revenues and margins which, combined with a very robust order book and EBITDA improving compared to the results of FY 2022, confirm the ours as a solid company in traditional business and at the same time strategically projected on new technologies».
With regard to future prospects in the sectors of construction of cruise ships and military units, Fincantieri noted that in the segment of cruises " confirm the positive signs already recorded at the end of 2022, with the main cruise brands that have reached rates of employment close to pre-pandemic values. This recovery - has highlighted the company - supports the expectations of acquisition of New orders. In the field of defence, the effects of the conflict Russian-Ukrainian and international imbalances in a context of growing competition, confirm that industrial policy does not can disregard the geopolitical situation and foreign policy guidelines, thus creating new opportunities for operators in the sector'.
At 31 March Fincantieri had 89 ships in its portfolio with a backlog of euro 22.7 billion compared to euro 23.8 billion billion as at 31 December 2022.