Of the 250 million containers transported last year by shipping companies, for a total value of more than Seven trillion dollars, only 661 were lost at sea, figure which is the lowest since 2008 when World Shipping Council (WSC), the association representing shipping companies containerized, began to draw up a report on the loss of containers during sea transport. In the last fifteen years An average of 1,566 containers were lost at sea, while in the For the three-year period 2020-2022, an average of 2,301 were lost.
The WSC report explains that in the first three years 2008-2010 An average of 675 surveys were lost per year, a number that has quadrupled to 2,683 containers per year in the following three years and this was largely due to the sinking of the MOL Comfort, which took place in 2013, which resulted in the loss of 4,293 containers to which were added the losses of about 900 containers caused by stranding and loss of the Rena container carrier occurred in 2011. The The following three-year period 2014-2016 recorded the sinking of a ship, the SS El Faro (2015), but nevertheless the average loss annual was 1,390 containers, about half of which that of the previous period. The downward trend is continued in 2017-2019 when the average annual loss was again almost halved to 779 containers. You are not In addition, such significant individual losses have been verified such as those recorded in previous periods. The average annual loss of the two-year period 2020-2021 recorded an increase to 3,113 from 779 of the previous period driven by major accidents: in 2020 the ONE Opus lost more than 1,800 containers due to bad weather; Maersk Essen was also affected adverse weather in 2021 that resulted in the loss of about 750 containers.