How much does the economy of the sea in Italy? Arduo define it. The numbers are wasted. The last National Report on the Economy of the Sea 2022 of Unioncamere speaks of a segment of the national economy, that of the sea, which affects the total production in a direct way for 3.4%, but that thanks to the ability to activation of the supply chain exceeds 9% of the GDP reaching representing approximately 136 billion euros of value. According to a basic analysis carried out by the Centro Giuseppe Bono, which launched today in Genoa the first "Mare Global Forum", adding the data relating to the different components of the sea factor, the incidence on the GDP of Italy varies between 24 and 26%.
Numbers (also important, indeed crucial) aside, what the Centre Giuseppe Bono intended to highlight with the event today is that the sector of the economy of the sea "was in recent decades dramatically underestimated in its potential". In this perspective, in his speech the president of Federlogistica, Luigi Merlo, has emphasized how it is indispensable today not to make abortion the experiment of the Ministry of the Sea.
A segment of the economy, that of the sea, especially important for Genoa and Liguria: "of the rest - it has rimarcato from the president of the Ligurian regional agency, Giovanni Toti - 35% of the container of this Country transit from our ports, as well as 20% of the passengers, not to count the great highways of the sea, the companies of shipbuilding and the refitting, the great yachts and the field of diportismo with its induced tourist that in Liguria are at the highest levels for quantity and quality".