The exorbitant increase in the volume of traffic of the goods in the ports of Albania, progression that in the first three months of 202 the national statistical institute has estimated +61.8%
2 May 2023), is creating a remarkable congestion in the port of Durazzo and important problems to the operators, whose complaints were collected from the "Monitor". To the weekly economic magazine the representatives of the navigation companies have denounced that in the last two weeks the ships must wait from two to three days to be able to download the container, while on the ground the transporters remain waiting until eight hours to be able to load the goods. According to the operators, in order to ensure a regular course of the traffic would be necessary the operation of at least three cranes of dock for the container and of six reach stacker, while - they have explained to the magazine - only a crane works to full regime and a second is active only partially.
Asked by the "Monitor", the Harbour Authority of Durazzo has asserted that the delays are caused by the increase of the traffic in coincidence with the beginning of the summer season. The agency has confirmed that in the first quadrimestre of 2023 a significant increase of the volume of the goods enlivened from the port, specifying that, regarding the traffic of the container, in the period has been exceeded also the quantity realized in the quadrimestre of the year record 2021 being enlivened 48 thousand containers regarding the 45 thousand of then. the Harbour Authority has announced that, in order to normalize the situation, within the end of this month will be put in service a third crane for the handling of the container and within end June will be made available a fourth crane.
In the port of Durazzo the activity of handling of the container has been entrusted for a period of five years to the Mariner of the Maltese Hili Company(
of 7 July 2021).