In the first trimester of this year the economic performances of the shipowning group French CMA CGM have recorded an indication of the negative trend in course from last autumn that is however less marked than that of other primary competitors world of the segment of the containerized marine transport thanks in part to the positive contribution of the other logistic activities operated from the group produced also following the acquisition of the society Ingram CLS, Gefco and Colis Privé revenues for
In the first three months of the 2023 revenues of CMA CGM are piled to 12,72 billion dollars, with a decrease of the -30,2% on the same period last year, of which 8,87 billion (-40.3%) generated from the marine activities and 3,86 billion (+14.1%) from the other logistic activities. The gross operating margin has been of 3,44 billion dollars (-61.3%), with a contribution of 3,05 billion (-64.3%) from the shipping and of 343 million (+36.9%) from the other logistic operations. The company closed the period with a profit clearly of 2,01 billion dollars (-72.1%).
In the first trimester of this year the fleet of the transalpine group has transported volumes of containerized cargos pairs to beyond five million teu (- 5.3%).