The Italian Shipowners' Confederation has expressed satisfaction for the European Commission's approval of the scheme italian scheme to support intermodal road-sea transport
( of
30 may 2023), while pointing out the scarcity of resources available. Recalling that Confitarma works with the Ministry of Transport first for the definition of the Ecobonus and later, in 2016, to launch the Marebonus, the president of the Confederation, Mario Mattioli, expressed satisfaction with the EU's green light for the scheme, "but - he pointed out - we also believe that the funds allocated to this important environmental incentive is insufficient to ensure its full effectiveness full effectiveness".
Confitarma recalled that it had repeatedly denounced that despite the environmental benefits recognised by ENEA and the government to the previous Marebonus and despite the fact that the same Marebonus was ten times more efficient than the building Superbonus 110%, the resources allocated to the new incentive were reduced by half. "We have repeatedly asked, stressed Mattioli - to make the Marebonus structural and to increase the allocations to at least 100 million per year. We hope that the new government will open a concrete reflection with the shipping industry in view of the next Budget Law Budget'.