Referring to the announcement of the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and to Transport of the start of the revision phase of the legislation in port matters, Uiltrasporti has exported the Ministry to activate a preventive comparison with the social partners. "We ask - explained the secretary general and the national secretary of Uiltrasporti, Claudio Tarlazzi and Marco Odone - that comes resumed the permanent discussion table on ports as soon as possible, proposed for months by Deputy Minister Rixi, as a useful place of comparison. The open topics concern regulatory interventions on Health and safety in ports and the pension advance fund For port workers, an institution still at a standstill, although largely shared by social partners and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport because it is necessary for generational change. Equally urgent is the involvement in the reform of the ports that seems to be an imminent goal of the government and on which We believe that there must be a preventive comparison so that the social partners who have contributed in recent years to the construction of the current discipline that regulates work in ports through the combined provisions of Law 84/94 and the contract they must make their own contribution."
"We read - continued Tarlazzi and Odone - of the Open discussion on port governance, in particular with the motion signed by FDI deputy Maria Grazia Frija, who is worrying because we believe that, also in the light of the situation geopolitics that has been determined in recent years, nature legal ports should remain public without exploring pathways, such as public-private governance, that could make Disappear the impartiality of the system authorities port, causing imbalances in competition and the development of traffic, favouring large private groups for mostly foreigners and jeopardizing the autonomy of the state with direct consequences for the harmonious development of ports, and in terms of employment'.