The negotiators of the Presidency of the Council and of the European Union reached a preliminary agreement yesterday on the implementation of the Basel III reforms relating to changes to the capital requirements regulation and the directive. on capital requirements. Elisabeth Svantesson, a Swedish finance minister, said it was "an agreement on updated rules which, in our view, will increase the strength and resilience of banks operating in the Union." This is an important step forward that will help to ensure that European banks can continue to operate even in light of external shocks, crises or catastrophes. "
The negotiators also agreed to make improvements to the areas of credit risk, market risk and operational risk and to provide for greater proportionality in standards, in particular for small and non-complex entities.
The Italian Confederation Shipowners (Confitarma), stressed that the outcome of the trilogue negotiations will be supported in a different and more favourable treatment of the shipping credit category (placed in the Specialised Lending Category). "In practice, shipping exposures, with certain characteristics, will lead to less absorption of its own means for banks (from 100 percent to 80%)," the Confederation said in a statement. In summary for every 100 euros, banks will commit 6.4 euros of their own capital compared to the current 8 euros. " "The temporary duration of the measure, initially set at 2030 percent, has been extended until 2032 and the same will be submitted to the EBA at 2030 percent, with the possibility of the Parliament being able to do so," Conitarma said. enact a new measure by 2031. "
"This result is the fruit of a long work set by Confitarma some twenty years ago with the introduction of the Basel I and II regulation," the president of the Italian Confederation of Shipowners Mario Mattioli said. recognition of the appropriate risk classification for shipping credit, properly assessing the mitigation content insured by the underlying guarantee (ship). The initiative of the Confederation has been reflected in the parallel activity carried out at the level of ECSA (the European shipowner association, ndr ) by the same by facilitating the convergence of interests of all countries and associated members. Particularly factive was also the contribution of ABI and Confindustria, as well as the constant political and technical activity carried out by the shadow cabinet of the shadow rapporteur, Mr Marco Zanni, whom I thank. "