The Port Authority of the Straits of the Straits has published a tender for the construction and management of its own account and third party account of the new cruise terminal in the port of Messina, a procedure that has been explained by the agency, following the outcome of the agreement. negative of the tender banned in 2019 due to an appeal and subsequent litigation follows a different process by having opted for a public-private partnership project. The new tender provides for the construction of the terminal, however, starting from the 2018 executive project, which was only updated in the economic zone to have an estimate of the investment to be placed on the basis of the tender, which is about 7.6 million euros. The planimetric ingenuity therefore remains about 1,840 square meters and the overall volumetry is confirmed. The competitor will therefore not be able to intervene on the forms and structures of the terminal, but may proceed with the updating of the executive design for the part related to the internal areas.
The duration of the concession contract will be 21 years, including one year planned for the fulfillment of the opera, and the annual fee of the auctioneer-based concession is around 97mila euros. The AdSP has planned to contribute to the public-private partnership with a funding of 3.5 million euros, equal to about 47% of the value of the realization investment.
During the construction work the dealer will have the burden of managing the current tenderstructure in order to continuously allow services for cruise ships in docking in Messina. The previous terminal will however have to be disassembled and disassembled at the conclusion and test of the work of the new maritime station. The dealer will have to engage, in the old and in the new terminal, to benefit by all means, both at the programmatic level in their management operational plan and in the day-to-day management, the use of infrastructure by the maximum possible plurality of crucieristic vectors.
The deadline for the submission of bids is set at September 15.
"The cruise traffic in Messina-the president of the AdSP, Mario Mega-makes a record number of ships and transits of passengers that have never been verified in the past and appear to be growing," said Mario Mega, president of the AdSP. appreciably in the coming years. The new cruise terminal is expected from more than a luster, but a series of administrative disputes resulting from the construction tender banned in 2019 by the Port Authority of Messina had prevented it from being implemented. The choice that we have made today, even to speed up the commissioning, is to identify a manager who will take charge of the construction of the terminal, also by investing in its own resources, using as a starting point the executive project in his time prepared by the institution. We trust that this solution, which also provides for twenty years of the management of the structure, can enable the identification of an operator who will be able to support the efforts of the AdSP of consolidation of traffic in the future by developing more and more efficient reception services and supporting the development programme that will also involve the other ports of the port system and that of Reggio Calabria in particular. "