In implementation of Decree Law 34/2020 which introduced measures
urgent health, support for jobs and the economy,
as well as social policies related to the emergency
epidemiological from Covid-19, today the Management Committee
of the Authority of Harbour System of the Western Ligurian Sea
gave the green light to the reduction of concession fees for
years 2020-2021 for those dealers who have suffered, due to
of the health emergency, a decrease in turnover equal to or greater than
20% in the second period of the year 2020 and in the year 2021
compared to the same periods of the year 2019, reduction of the fee
concessionaire which will be equal to the share exceeding 20% of the
Drop in turnover immediately. The reduction of fees may
take place within the overall maximum limit of 1.1 million euros.
Specifically, with regard to the period 1 August -
31 December 2020, the reduction of fees to
dealers who have submitted a specific request by the date
of 15 January 2021 while, for the year 2021, it will be
published in the coming days on the institutional website of the institution
port and on the on-line Praetorian Register of Municipalities of the
port district of the Western Ligurian Sea system
special public notice containing the deadlines for submission
of questions.
The AdSP has made known that with regard to the definition of the
2023 concessionary fees, also taking into account what has recently been
ordered by the Council of State by order no. 2510 of 16 June
2023, the Management Committee gave a mandate to the offices of
provide for the invoicing of a provisional fee on the basis of
of consolidated amounts as at 31 December 2022 with reserve
to subsequently invoice the Istat adjustment for the year 2023.
Among the resolutions taken today by the Committee, in implementation of the
Memorandum of Understanding signed between Autostrade per l'Italia, AdSP
and Ente Bacini has been authorized to carry out the works of
relocation of companies operating in the repair area
Levante ships of the port of Genoa interfered by the
construction of the sub-port tunnel to allow the continuation
of the activities of the sector.