For the first time the staff of the Employment Agency
Port of Trieste, the company that provides the work
Temporary port in the Julian port port, it is tinged with pink.
In fact, Monica, Erika, Sara,
Edislaidys, all under 30, which, once formed, will be started
port operations. The four women, from
Employment experience in other sectors, will be hired for a first
period through the temporary employment company Intempo,
as was the case with other workers.
Announcing that in recent weeks six
assemblies, dividing the dockers into groups, to illustrate to them the
positive situation of the Agency's activities,
President of ALPT, Francesco Mariani, explained that "in
On that occasion we informed the workers of the intention to
open to women the opportunity to work on the quay at the
at their side, finding consensus and acceptance. The port of Trieste -
Mariani stressed - it must grow in traffic,
in infrastructure, technologies and parity of
The initiative was supported by the Authority of
Port System of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, identifying and
solving, for example, the first logistical problem related to spaces
adequate and changing rooms dedicated to women. "The problem - has
observed the president of the AdSP, Zeno D'Agostino - is the
paradigm shift in the organization of work. To be continued
to always set things up with a men's approach, but the
Professionalism and competence never have gender. The
competitiveness of our port passes from the ability to
attract talent, regardless of gender. The intake of
first four women in ALPT is an important and new message
that we want to give in the process of evolution of a port more and more
inclusive and open to women. It was about time, because in other ports
It's already happening. After this first step, we hope that
many others are also made by private subjects present in the
our two airports, encouraging the female world to consider the
Ports and logistics as increasingly sectors