Officials of the Customs and Monopolies Agency have
Discovered a criminal association aimed at evasion
VAT and smuggling through the use of forgeries
import customs declarations operating through the
Screen of Bulgarian "paper mills" companies evading
several million euros of VAT and duties by presenting at customs
Artificial documentation in order to allow the customs clearance of the
According to the reconstructions carried out, the foreign goods that
arrived at the port of Genoa Prà did not absolve
value added tax and was addressed to two companies
Bulgarian turned out to be mere "empty boxes". The
Investigations have shown that the goods were instead placed in
consumption in Italy and in other countries
of the Union, other than that originally declared,
thus completely evading VAT. To this end,
falsified transport documents delivered from time to time to
A second type of illegal activity, false for
induction into public act, aggravated smuggling and evasion
of import VAT consisted in the systematic alteration
of the commercial documentation referring to the imported goods
with customs declaration of taxable values lower than those
in order to reduce the amount of duties and VAT payable
on import.
A third further and different strand of false by induction and
smuggling concerned a series of resulting shipments of goods
to the foreign state, therefore in suspension of tax, which went
allocated within a special temporary storage warehouse
managed by a logistics company, when in reality
The goods did not pass through the warehouse.
Customs officials, together with the personnel of the Police of
State coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Genoa, have
carried out a series of precautionary, personal and real measures in prison
against the two leaders and promoters of the criminal association and
proceeded to the preventive seizure of a company operating in the
customs procedures. The company managed by the
The same subjects were systematically used for commission.
of a large number of criminal episodes.
Eight other suspects are instead recipients of the measure
of house arrest: these are five employees of the
company, as well as the owner and the two employees
of the logistics company which is also the recipient of a
preventive seizure.
These measures follow more than 12 months of stalking,
monitoring activities through cameras and GPS and
interception of five telephone users carried out, under the
coordination of the Genoese Public Prosecutor's Office, by
ADM officials of the Anti-Fraud Office of the Interregional Directorate
for Liguria, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta in collaboration with
the staff of the Traffic Police Section. Evidentiary material
collected, also as a result of search activities at
the locations of two companies attributable to the participants
to the criminal association, led to the registration in the register
of the suspects of the twelve people, all of nationality
and made it possible to prove that this association operated
through the three distinct fraudulent guidelines.
The entire investigation was born from a previous activity
Investigation conducted by customs officials who had allowed
to bring to light the existence of a criminal association -
also rooted in the Ligurian capital, established for the purpose of
fraudulent acquisition of bank loans with guarantee of the
State, which had led to the preventive seizure of current accounts
and other financial reports for over €2.3 million.