Today the Council of the European Union adopted
definitively the new "FuelEU Maritime" regulation
to promote the deployment and use of renewable fuels and
Low carbon emissions in the maritime transport sector
in order to implement the decarbonization of shipping. The new
regulation will be published in the "Official Journal"
of the EU after the summer and will enter into force on the twentieth
day after publication. The new rules will apply to
from 1 January 2025.
The regulation, which is part of the "Fit for 55" package
presented two years ago by the European Commission
of 14
July 2021), provides for the introduction of measures to reduce
gradually the intensity of greenhouse gases of
fuels used by the maritime transport sector starting
from a decrease of 2% in 2025 to reach 80% by
2050. In particular, with regard to the requirements for energy used
on board ships, the Regulation, in Article 4 of Chapter II,
sets the greenhouse gas intensity limit
of the energy used on board by a ship that "1. The intensity
annual average greenhouse gas of the energy used on board by
a vessel during a reference period does not exceed the limit laid down in
paragraph 2.; 2. The limit referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated
reducing the reference value by 91.16 grams of CO2
equivalent per MJ of the following percentage: 2% from 1
January 2025; 6% from 1 January 2030; 14.5% from 1 January
2035; 31% from 1 January 2040; 62% from 1 January 2045;
80% from 1 January 2050".
The Regulation also introduces a special incentive scheme
to support the use of so-called renewable fuels
Non-biological origin (RFNBO) with a high potential for
decarbonisation, the exclusion of fossil fuels from
Regulation certification process, the obligation - starting
from 2030 - for passenger ships and container ships of
connect to the power supply from the ground for the need for
electricity while moored at the quay in the
main EU ports, in order to mitigate pollution
atmospheric in ports.
In addition, the regulation provides for a voluntary mechanism for setting up
pooling, whereby vessels will be authorised to
pool their compliance balance with one or more
ships. The average balance of the pool will have to respect the limits of
intensity of greenhouse gases. Exceptions apply
limited in time for region-specific treatment
outermost regions, small islands and highly isolated areas
dependent, from an economic point of view, on their connectivity.
Finally, Article 62 of the new regulation states that "
revenue generated by the payment of FuelEU fines and collected
by reference States should be used to
promoting the distribution and use of renewable fuels and
low carbon emissions in the maritime transport sector and
to help maritime transport operators achieve
their climate and environmental goals".