Croatian ports, after a trend of growth in traffic of
goods lasted five quarters, in the period April-June of
this year they have recorded a bending of the -13,4% of the cargos
handled amounted to 6.16 million tons
compared to 7.11 in the same quarter of 2022. The decrease is
was generated by the contraction of the number of
Flows of goods on landing totalled 1.45 million
tons (- 18.4%), while the cargos at boarding are increased by the
+5.4% reaching 4,71 million tons.
Overall, the traffic of liquid bulk, the most
substantial enlivened from the ports of Croatia, is amounted
to 2.98 million tonnes and increased by
+4,4%. Containerized trade also increased with 1.04 million
of tons (+2.6%), volume that was realized with a
handling of containers pairs to 121 thousand teu (+4.2%). In
decrease, however, the other types of goods, with bulk
solid amounts to 1,63 million tons (- 31.3%), the rolling stock to
74 thousand tons (- 82.1%) and other goods to 436 thousand tons
In the second quarter of 2023, passengers arriving and departing in
ports of Croatia have been 9,25 million (+9.4%), of which 412 thousand
cruise passengers compared to 269 thousand in the same period last year
In the first six months of 2023 the total traffic of
passengers was 12.24 million people, with a
increase of +7.3% on the first half last year, of
which 420 thousand crocieristi (+51.1%). In the goods sector the total
It has been of 12,08 million tons (- 1.5%), of which 2,91
million tons of cargos at disembarkation (- 19.1%) and 9,33 million
tons at boarding (+5.4%).