Uiltrasporti requests that the Italian Government intervene at
the European Union so that decarbonisation measures
of maritime transport included in the European climate package "Fit"
for 55" do not damage Italian ports. 'Instead of
protect their ports - they have noted the secretary general and the
national secretary of the union, Claudio Tarlazzi and Marco Odone -
the European Union risks damaging them heavily by favoring
instead non-European hubs especially with regard to the basin
'Despite the just objective of the Directive,
i.e. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by
2030 - explained Tarlazzi and Odone - the rule that provides for the
Modification of the taxation system applied to large shipowners
ships over 5 thousand tons, if not modified
Urgently, it will put Europe's ports of transport in difficulty.
transhipment, first of all that of Gioia Tauro, pushing
instead ships for example to the ports Tanger Med and Port Said".
"We ask the government - concluded the representatives of
Uiltrasporti - to intervene and be the spokesperson in the EU of the requests
of Italian ports to modify this rule which would affect
also heavily on employment in Italian airports".