Another month of falling container traffic, the thirteenth
consecutive, for the port of Long Beach that in August has enlivened
682 thousand container teu, with a bending of the -15,4% on August
2022. "We predicted - commented the CEO
of the Port of Long Beach, Mario Cordero - a seasonal peak
content since our quantity of loads continues to
stabilize at pre-pandemic levels". A stabilization
which seems to be essentially about the flow of full containers
to the landing, which last month were pairs to 325 thousand teu, in
decrease of -15.4% on August 2022 and in reduction
respectively -20.1% and -10.8% on the months of August 2021 and
2020 when the global health crisis had a strong impact on
harbour activities and in slight increase of +0.8% on August
2019 before the spread of the pandemic. The number of containers
full boarding, however, continues to suffer a significant
contraction having been in August 2023 pairs to 93 thousand teu, with
decreases of -23.1%, -21.8%, -26.0% and -25.3% on the months of August of
2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. Negative trend that, at least with reference
in the pre-pandemic period, it was offset by volumes
of empty containers handled from the Californian port of call that
Last month they were pairs to 263 thousand teu, with variations
percentages of -12.5%, -6.2%, +12.3% and +21.8% on the months of August
of the previous four years. The total traffic data of
August 2023 represents decreases of -15.5% and -6.0% on total
of 2021 and 2020 and an increment of +2.8% on traffic enlivened
in August 2019.
In the first eight months of this year the port has enlivened
Globally 4,99 million teu, with a decrease of -24,4% on the same
period of 2022, of which 2,34 million teu full to the landing
(- 27.2%), 879 thousand teu full boarding (- 6.7%) and 1,77 million
Teu empty (-27.4%).