The association of Italian terminal operators Assiterminal has
expressed satisfaction with the amendments tabled by several
Majority and opposition parliamentarians both on the issue of canons
concessionaires and the contribution due to the Authority of
Regulation of Transport. "Finally - explained the
director of the association, Alessandro Ferrari - at least the
Audience of subjects who take a position on these issues has
widened and a compact and transversal front is being created that
shares the same concerns and concerns.'
Assiterminal has specified that "the proposed amendments
which aim to clarify the criterion for applying the increase in
Concessionary fees are in line with the Minister's statements
Salvini in the press conference of August 7 and with the profuse commitment
from Deputy Minister Rixi: it means that dialogue with Brussels is also
It would seem to have been successful and that the agreement in the
Majority to complete the path would seem to be
confirmed: now we follow with the usual maximum attention the
conclusion of the parliamentary procedure'.
"We obviously continue - said Ferrari - to
ask for the opening of a technical table for the revision of
ISTAT indices underlying the determination of indexation of
canons, a theme on which we trust that the Council of State will accept
also our appeal as happened for the bathers and
for nautical navies'. The director of the association has
announced that next Tuesday Assiterminal will be
audited by the IX Senate Committee on the process of the
Competition bill, "to which - announced Ferrari -
We will be a legislative proposal to implement the
establishment of Port Energy Communities: we are
sharing this path - he specified - with the associations
shipping, shipbuilding, terminalism and
pleasure boating because the goal is as always
broaden the basis of participation to broaden consensus, and
Try to aim for the result. The development of CERPs - has
underlined - is strategic for the sustainability of
A real energy transition in ports and state-owned areas
Seafarers like cold ironing: indeed an effective development of
CERP should also help the energy needs of the
cold ironing as well as hydrogen production. The theme
of the energy transition in the ports - Ferrari has detected - is
finally attracting the attention of national politics also for
as regards the competitive effects of the measures envisaged in the field of
'The recent statements of Mr Frijia and
by Mr Paita, the response of the Ministry of Infrastructure
and Transport, the interventions that have taken place in these
days in Trieste during the event organized by Ambrosetti -
continued the director of Assiterminal - are the clear signal
that sustainability must be compatible with development
cheap, not be a brake or a potentially tool
distorting competition between southern and northern European ports, as well as
and obviously of the southern Mediterranean: the theme of the ETS, on which
we fully agree with Confitarma and Assarmatori, it must be at the
center of the government's agenda in the interlocutions with Brussels".
"If it is true that the recent comparisons in the FdI and PD
Also on the issues of governance reform have seen the
cluster associations particularly cohesive in highlighting
criticality and propose solutions and consequential models - HA
concluded Ferrari - it is clear that we expect from the
policy responses equally adequate and consistent with a need
of the competitive sealing sector: which translates accordingly
stability of employment, wage levels, spill-over effects
economic and social in the territories where each of our companies
operates and the production contexts to which each of the companies of the
Our sectors is connected."