Yesterday at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
a meeting is held to start the work of the "Table
technician on occupational safety in the port area",
set up last March, in which the
representatives of Assiterminal, Fise Uniport, Assologistica,
Assoporti, Ancip and the national secretariats of the trade unions
Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti. Topics have already been taken up
subject to past processing and / or reporting at the initiative of the
social partners, such as: harmonize the decree
Legislative Decree 272/99 with the provisions of Legislative Decree No.
81/08 and subsequent amendments; Implement the Ministerial Decree
establishing the "Fund for the early retirement of workers
dockers"; identify and insert with a special standard some
Port work profiles between job categories
"wearisome/burdensome"; Adoption of initiatives and measures
Inail at national level in terms of event prevention
accidents and for the development of a culture of safety on the
port work.
On this occasion the publication was taken into account
in the "Official Gazette" of September 19 of the decree
interministerial governing terms and procedures for the
request for contributions pursuant to art. 1 of Law 197/2022 which
established the so-called "Fund for the incentive to
qualification of port work", valid for the years from
2023 to 2026.