" Canons on maritime concessions, funds for the self-transport, speeding of the Third Valico and the new foranea dam in Genoa. These are some of the amendments included in the Senate decree-law passed in the Senate, which go in the direction of simplifying and accelerating on some of the relevant issues. " Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi, who represented the government during the work at the eighth and ninth committees in the Senate, said in a statement.
" On the maritime concessions, we introduce a uniform criterion for updating the Istat criterion to avoid leopard stain applications, in support of a strategic sector. For the transport, the expenditure of 37 million for the renewal of the park means the scrapping of the most polluting vehicles and for alternative modes of road transport. For the new Dam of Genoa, the expertise of the Ponte Morandi Commissioner Marco Bucci is transferred with the aim of ensuring the efficiency of the work, confirming the excellent work done so far by the mayor. For the Third Valico, rules are introduced to ensure greater expediency and flexibility for the completion of the PNRR work, which is also strategic at European level. A useful result to further speed up the process of works that Europe and the economy ask us to do. "