Filt Cgil has exported the government to cancel "the article of the draft maneuver that penalises the pay of maritime workers with a reduction in the incidence of the sickness allowance, limiting it to only 60%". "The right to get sick from the workers and the workers of the sea should be taken off," the union said in a statement. "This regulatory forecast will penalise a world of work already greatly damaged by the wage guarantee system in case of a disease that is not assured in certain times and in the future," the Transport Federation said in a statement. would also negatively affect the safety of maritime work that is highly usurant. Moreover, this standard poses a number of important critiques of the renewal, already initiated, of the national contract of the shipowner industry. "
"If there is no intervention, we are ready to put in place any action of protest that is helpful in enforcing the rights of workers and the workers of the sea," the statement said.