In the third quarter of this year, the group's port terminals
Philippine International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI)
handled container traffic of 3.18 million
TEU, with an increase of +2.3% over the same period of 2022.
The largest volume of traffic was handled by the
Asian terminals with 1.60 million TEUs (+0.8%). The terminals of
ICTSI in Europe, the Middle East and Africa handled 622,000
TEU (-5.6%), while traffic at terminals in the Americas was
state of 951 thousand TEUs (+11.4%).
This activity generated revenues of €612.2 million.
dollars (+2.9%), of which 594.9 million (+3.2%) deriving from
the group's port activities. EBITDA amounted to
€377.8 million (+3.3%), operating profit at €305.3 million (+1.9%) and
net income at $188.1 million (+0.5%).