The port of Naples is preparing to close 2023 with a traffic of passengers and record cruises. "In October, we reached out to eight people in October," said Andrea Annunziata, president of the Port Authority of the Port of the Port of the Tyrreno of the Tyrrhenian Sea, a delegation from the Italian Corpo Consolar. millions of eventful passengers. This year the Cruserists will rise to the record number of 1.6 million for 448 approx. Numbers that will require further engagement on our part in ensuring services and infrastructure at the height of such a demand for tourism. "
"Environmental protection and security is the pivot of this programming, which is also guaranteed by the egregious work of the Capitaneries," said Annunziata, who is also the president of the capital. We will shortly be relying on the ban on the electrification of quays, the so-called cold ironing ; within the next year we are counting on starting the liquefied natural gas, without forgetting the potential of hydrogen for the production of energy ".