The city council of Carrara unanimously expressed
its positive opinion on the new Master Plan of the port of
Marina di Carrara, green light that was welcomed with great
satisfaction from the Port System Authority of the Sea
Eastern Ligurian, who recalled how this instrument of
planning has been awaited since 1981. The port authority highlighted
that "the City Council shared the idea that the port
needs to modernise its structure to meet the new needs of the
needs of the territory, in terms of trade, tourism and
in favour of the shipbuilding industry spread throughout the territory with the
Realization of the long-awaited "Travel Lift". The
work already underway to improve the interface with
The city, the new promenade, the new road network
and the next competition of ideas to give a new face
Lot 3 of the waterfront - underlined the Port Authority - constitute
The premises for a new season in the relationship between Porto and
city. All this also in view of a series of
initiatives to accelerate the digital transition and the