A few days after the entry into force, the next first
of the European Directive 959 of 10 May last, which,
amending Directive 87/2023, extends the
EU ETS for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading
greenhouse effect in the European Union, the European trade union
European Transport Workers' Federation
(ETF) has once again sounded the alarm on the risk that
The extension of the rule to shipping could damage ports
European countries, in particular due to the possible reduction of
Ro-Pax maritime services for the transport of motor vehicles and
passenger and container traffic volumes, especially for
those European airports that mainly operate
transshipment of containers. The ETF has reaffirmed its
concerns about the social and economic impact that this
Would entail.
About the scope of application for the activities of
maritime transport, the EU Directive provides that the allocation of
quotas and the application of surrender obligations for
maritime transport activities apply to 50% of the
emissions from ships operating voyages departing from a port
under the jurisdiction of a Member State and arriving in
a port of call outside the jurisdiction of a State
Member States, to 50% of emissions from ships operating in
departing from a port of call outside the jurisdiction of a
Member State and arriving at a port of call under the jurisdiction of the
of a Member State, 100% of emissions from ships
operate routes departing from a port of call under the
jurisdiction of a Member State and arriving at a port of call
under the jurisdiction of a Member State and 100% of emissions
of ships within a port of call under the jurisdiction of the
of a Member State.
The ETF highlighted that "of particular concern is
impact on the ro-pax sector, as the ETS could lead to the
closure of essential ro-pax lines, jeopardising continuity
and the Motorways of the Sea. This change - has
warned the union - would lead to an increase in emissions of
CO2 emissions and the return of millions of trucks to the roads, reversing the
progress in reducing congestion and
emissions through the Motorways of the Sea initiative.
Recalling that some EU transport ministers have
called for the suspension of the application of the ETS to the sector
the ETF has asked the European Commission to adopt
Immediate measures to prevent potential job losses
in European ports.