The Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
As part of Investment 2.1 of the PNRR, Meridionale has obtained:
funded by the European Union, a grant of €6.2 million
to implement the development of logistics for the
agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, floriculture and
Nursery. The port authority had participated in the call for tenders by submitting a
project proposal aimed at establishing services with a
specific vocation to support the product sector and
in the ports of Brindisi and Bari. The PSA explained
whereas, from an analysis carried out by the institution, it had emerged that despite the
social importance and impact on the
economic impact determined by the agriculture and fisheries sectors,
in the ports managed by the PSA, there is in fact no adequate
presence of services aimed at improving the efficiency of logistics
targeted at these sectors.
For the port of Brindisi, the proposal has been submitted
re-functionalisation of spaces within a
ownership of the PSA, the structure within which the
Specific features and services will be introduced to
improve agri-food logistics. The terminal will also be
subjected to a series of functional improvement interventions,
formal and energetic.
The project envisages, among other things, the construction, in the ports of
Brindisi and Bari, of rest areas equipped with services
specific in favour of the agri-food sector, with particular reference to the
the needs of refrigerated means of transport.
Generators will also be installed in both ports
wind turbines for the production of electricity, for a
rated total of 500 Kilowatt peak, so as to ensure
the energy supply of the system to support the
logistics and agri-food from renewable sources.