FEPORT expressed support for the Commission's proposal
European Union Customs Code Revision Regulations which -
stressed the Federation of Private Port Terminal Operators
European Communities - "It is essential to harmonise the current
customs regulations and should allow for simplification
customs rules and procedures and further harmonise the
risk management through the introduction of a data hub
and the establishment of an EU customs authority'.
The federation focused on the aspects of the
customs supervision and, in particular, temporary storage
of non-EU goods, for which - FEPORT underlined - "it is
It is especially important to rely on custody rules
Temporary specifications that include a time limit
sufficient. Temporary custody generally ends when the
goods are placed under a customs procedure in the EU, re-exported or
stored in a bonded warehouse. In any case, the
Federation - terminal operators and/or other parts of the
Logistics chain need more time than 3-6 days to
provide the correct data or transport the goods. FEPORT welcomes
I therefore welcome the amendments tabled by a number of members of the
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
(IMCO) of the European Parliament to maintain the time limit for
temporary detention for 90 days as provided for in the current regime
FEPORT also specified that it supports 'the
suggested amendments to Article 119(1) of the proposal for the
Commission aiming to simplify reporting requirements
for bonded warehouse operators, thus reducing the
administrative burdens'.