After four years of growth, freight traffic will be in 2023
in Turkish ports decreased by -4.0% to
521.1 million tonnes compared to 542.6 million tonnes in the year
previous. Last year, only import traffic
increase to €256.2 million
tonnes (+5.0%). Export goods are declining, which have
totaled 135.5 million tons as well as traffic
and in transit, which were respectively
62.6 million tonnes (-7.2%) and 66.7 million tonnes
(-17,6%). In the container segment alone, the total traffic is
amounted to 12.6 million TEUs (+1.5%).
In 2023, the traffic handled by Turkey's ports to and from
for Italy it was 44.6 million tonnes (-3.8%),
with only one containerized traffic that was equal to
584 thousand TEUs (-3.6%).
In the fourth quarter of last year, Turkish ports
handled a total of 129.3 million tonnes of cargo, with
a decrease of -3.3% on the corresponding period of 2022. The
export and import goods totalled 37.5
million tonnes (+6.9%) and 61.6 million tonnes (-1.3%).
Cabotage traffic amounted to 15.1 million
tonnes (-4.7%) and transit traffic of 15.0 million tonnes.
tonnes (-26.2%). Containerized traffic was even
to almost 3.2 million TEUs (+5.8%). The total traffic of the
goods to and from Italy amounted to €10.0 million
tonnes (-33.0%), with container traffic
amounted to 172 thousand TEUs (+36.1%).