The Italian tourist port has no rules
specifically dedicated to the specific issues, nor has it ever been dealt with
in the national legal system. This is a
of the main issues that emerged during the States-General
of the Italian Tourist Ports organized by ASSONAT in
collaboration with Assonautica Italiana which took place today in
Rome at the Sala Longhi of Unioncamere. The event, aimed at
deepen the process of defining a strategic plan of the
Italian Tourist Port 2025-2027 launched in 2023 with
The goal of completing it by the end of this year has been
programmed to give voice and recognisability to a sector
strategic for the Italian economy.
"The system of Italian marinas - said the
President of Assonat-Confcommercio, Luciano Serra, in his
intervention - needs to gather around a
a plan that charts the direction to compete in national markets and
and thus respond to the many challenges that
are now engaged, starting from the new frontiers of the
networking, the energy and digital transition, and the
tax system. Essential prerequisite, mentioned for the first
time in Italy right in the Sea Plan - Serra pointed out - it is
the need to give the right emphasis to specificity
of the tourist port as an economic sector capable of
support the economic, social, cultural and tourism development of the
our country and to attract important national and
International. Fragmentation and lack of organicity
legislative interventions that have taken place over time and,
Above all, the failure to take into account the strategic importance of the
of the structures dedicated to pleasure boating, now make
A unitary and specific regulatory intervention is indispensable'.
It has been pointed out, in fact, that to date there is a lack of a
Specific legislation of reference for the port
not even contained in the recent Italian Tourism Code,
pleasure boating issued by Legislative Decree No 171/2005 nor
Law 84/94 which does not contain any provisions referring to
specifically to marinas, the latter being a rule
addressed to commercial ports. In addition, there is a lack of a notion
of what a port is (with the implications of the
legal and practical aspects arising from it). Marinas - it's
has been observed - have never been treated as a whole.
in the Italian legal system and, with particular reference to the port of
tourism, tourism, regional
is confronted with the subject matter of ports attributed to the
to the concurrent legislative power between the State and the Regions, which has
contributed in no small way to making the regulatory framework extremely
During the meeting, the need for
of a reform of the tourist port that responds to the
the evolution that the sector has experienced from the 60s to today and
that accompanies companies towards a redevelopment of the structures
and in the inevitable energy and digital transition.