"The lines of communication on the Alpine passes are
priorities for Italy'. This was said by the deputy minister
Italian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi, during the
of his speech at the informal meeting of the Ministers of the
EU transport underway in Brussels on the theme "Strengthening the
resilience of European transport networks". "There's
the need - Rixi explained - for a transport network
reliable in any situation, from climate change to
geopolitical crises. If mobility passes through
increasingly flexible transport, the biggest challenge is
the financial one'.
Rixi recalled that Italy "has in the pipeline
investments of around €200 billion, part of which
is intended to strengthen connectivity on the
Alpine passes: we also invest - he specified - in the
upgrading of the historic lines from Ventimiglia to Frejus, from
Simplon to the routes to Austria and Slovenia because the new
Base tunnels are not enough. We have restarted the project of the
Bridge over the Strait that will have a decisive impact on the
resilience and mobility in the Mediterranean. Other funds are
to make our system more efficient
logistics, and intermodality with a significant impact on the
significant impact on the modal shift "from road to rail"
with ambitious targets on the Greek Deal."
Stressing that "the Connecting Europe Facility is
useful for building large infrastructures, especially those
cross-border tunnels, I am thinking in particular of the two large tunnels
of the Turin-Lyon and Brenner motorways and their access routes,
Rixi remarked that it is "essential to continue to
co-financing the major flagship projects, such as the Bridge
Strait. In addition, he added, investments in
Digitalisation and cyber security are essential to reduce the
the degree of vulnerability of our infrastructures,
tangible and intangible, also in view of the current
geopolitical instability. Themes that we have put at the center
of the G7 Transport Ministerial, which will be held in Milan between
a few days."