From next July 1 it will become mandatory in the port
of Palermo, the use by all port operators of the Port
Community System (PCS). The PCS Sinfomar computer system allows
the management of the traffic of ships, vehicles and goods in
port. It is a database that can communicate through
automatisms with the systems of the central organs of the State (Customs,
Harbour Master's Office, Istat, Napa), relieving everyone of the repeated
Communications. The aim, in fact, is to speed up the
operations related to security, logistics and
Customs. Dialogue between systems and interoperability
allows a decisive streamlining but also a reduction in the
processing of import/export processes. The recipients of the PCS
are agents, freight forwarders, hauliers, central customs, and
premises, harbour master's office.
The PCS implementation project has begun
through the reuse of the Sinfomar software adopted years ago
by the Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
Eastern. Following participation in the October 2023 call
published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the
development and implementation of Port Community System services for
interoperability with public administrations,
the Port System Authority of the Sea of Sicily
Occidentale was the beneficiary of a grant equal to
to one million euros. The Sicilian Port Authority, with the support of Circle
A group that includes Infoera, a company specialising in
IT companies, it has therefore equipped itself with the PCS.