German commercial vehicle manufacturer Daimler Truck and
the Japanese industrial group Kawasaki Heavy Industries have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of
design the entire hydrogen supply chain
liquid, in particular as a fuel for the
road haulage. On the part of the German company, the agreement
represents the pursuit of one of two strategies to
Decarbonising Road Transport: A Vehicle Development Phase
powered by hydrogen and the other by electric vehicles. To this end,
Daimler Truck recently signed an agreement to evaluate the
Possibility of activating supplies of green liquid hydrogen
from Abu Dhabi to Europe by 2030. In addition, Daimler Truck has
started experimenting with the use of liquid hydrogen in the
road transport using it to power a prototype
Mercedes-Benz GenH2 which made a journey of 1,047 kilometers
in Germany, simulating real operating conditions, with a single full tank
of liquid hydrogen.
Highlighting the commitment that the Japanese group is dedicating
the development of opportunities for the use of hydrogen
liquid as fuel, the president of Kawasaki Heavy Industries,
Yoshinori Kanehana, pointed out that "in the context of the
European hydrogen market, which has the highest demand
world-wide, Germany's efforts are truly
and Daimler Truck is driving ahead with the development of high-performance trucks.
Next-generation hydrogen-powered fuel cells
liquefied, with the aim of being a pioneer in the market
liquefied hydrogen'.