In 2023, rail traffic at the Nola Interport
an increase of +7.4% on the previous year, a trend
also confirmed in the first quarter of 2024. CIS S.p.A. has announced
whereas maritime traffic last year marked the
a decline that can be explained by the initial paralysis and the following
slowdown in traffic from the Far East as a result of the
geopolitical issues in the Middle East. This decline was
largely offset by the increase in traffic from
which brought the total number of pieces in 2023
(containers and swap bodies) to exceed that recorded in 2022.
In relation to movements within the terminal (of
railway or road derivation), 2023 recorded a
increase, both in terms of TEU containers of about +11% and
intermodal transport units (+4% approximately). Even though
road traffic, during 2023 the
recorded an increase of close to +10% in the number of vehicles in
entry/exit at the Nola freight village. This increase is
to be attributed to the activities of the Customs and, above all,
the establishment of new operators in the freight village, which has led to the
occupancy at 96%. Obviously, this is reflected in the volume
of goods handled in the Nola freight village, which reached the
5,952,011 tons.