A new report on the
port work carried out by the Fondazione Accademia Italiana della
Merchant Marine in agreement with the System Authority
Port of the Western Ligurian Sea, the System Authority
Port of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, and the main trade unions.
The report complements the responses of the questionnaire administered to the
hundreds of workers from the airports controlled by the
two Ligurian PSAs: "the work carried out in collaboration with the
two PSAs, commissioned by them - explained Paola Vidotto,
Director General of the Italian Merchant Marine Academy -
is a first step at the national level to understand how
in an in-depth and precise way the feeling of who is
engaged in this professional field'.
Regarding the results of the needs research
conducted in the port terminals of La Spezia and Marina di
Carrara, the report points out that from this point of view, the data
not only do the results show a positive trend in the
lifelong learning, i.e. lifelong learning with
the acquisition of knowledge and skills throughout the
life, but also values well above the target of 60%
desired by the European Union. Virtually all of the
of participants (98.2%) of the terminals of the two airports stated that
have already participated in training courses in the past. Between
those who have already participated in courses in the past
training, 87.3% said they had attended
in the last year, 76.0% about two years ago and 68.3% about five years ago
years ago. The analysis of the trend as a whole - specifies the report
- shows an inversely proportional relationship between the
previous attendance since the last training event and time
passed; in other words, attendance at training courses
increases over time.
In addition, virtually all respondents (99.0%)
stated that they had participated in courses
promoted by the company to which they belong. It is significant –
notes the report – that more than one in ten respondents
(12.5%) indicated that they had undertaken a training course
even autonomously.